Sunday 27 December 2015

Comic Corral #2

Comic Corral #2: Black Butler’s Big Day(s)
by Geordi Demorest
Black Butler Chapters 1-111: I’ve never been one for long running series comic or otherwise so Black Butler took years to catch-up on inevitably ending in a marathon that was both fascinating and depressing. Once I truly sunk my teeth into the manga there was no stopping. I think the biggest hurdle for those who have seen the anime in part or entirely will be separating it from the source material which has an entirely different take on the world and characters after the booking arc. The manga tries its hand at everything from mysteries to sports manga.

Sweetness and Lightning chapters 1-29: I haven’t talked about Sweetness and Lightning much, if at all, but it truly is an adorable manga. There isn’t a whole lot to it beyond its premise. The characters have layers and goals though which I think is what establishes it apart from many other slice-of-life manga well that and its incredible artwork.

Today’s Cerberus chapters 1-28: This is not a comic with an ounce a class yet I adore it all the same. It takes Nisekoi’s tropes and characters and does them many, many times better. It isn’t afraid to continue its story and doesn’t go off on tangents. It’s still shameless fan service (which is perfectly fine) it just has more too it.

Dark Horse Presents volume 3 issues 1-16: Currently I’m working my way through the seventeenth issue of this comic anthology magazine. Not all the series are winners but the ones that are really hit it out of the park. It’s a breath of fresh air for one such as I who spends much of my time with Japanese comics.

Relife volume 1: This manga caught me particularly by surprise from the outset I thought it would be fan service pandering to the lowest common denominator. However it’s a surprisingly thoughtful and addictive series.  I cannot wait for more of it to be up on Crunchyroll!

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